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What to eat before lovemaking

Do you remember the steam, the excitement, the sheer animal passion when you made love… how you couldn’t help from literally tearing each other’s clothes off in the heat of passion?

No, not on your last date? Maybe the one before? Well, you get the point…

That SHOULD be your sex life, but it isn’t. So let’s find out why and FIX IT.

You’ll want to read all the way to end of this post so that you don’t miss a single great idea.

The good news - it’s not your fault! Our culture has so demonized sex and love making, that most parents won’t even have a proper discussion about sex with their children or even show affection in public. The real irony here is that we are sexual beings - it’s hard wired into our DNA.

It’s absolutely amazing how many people think sex is basically missionary position, and with the lights off. Can you say boring? Who wants to do that three times a week, really? Can you imagine having the exact same item for dinner the rest of your life?

So are you destined for a boring sex life when you KNOW there are people out there having mind-numbingly amazing and enjoyable sex?

Has this ever happened to you?

You’ve just started dating a great guy or girl, and they’re wonderful. You’re really hitting it off. But a few weeks into your relationship, they start to get cold and distant, making excuses and getting too busy for you.

You may catch a hushed mention of a previous lover, maybe when they’re chatting with a trusted friend, maybe on the phone, or worse - on the phone with their ex. Fact is, people often break up for reasons other than sex, but great sex will keep them going back to their previous lover again, and again, and again… even when it’s against their better judgement.

So how do you become one of these incredible lovers that no one can leave or resist?

Here’s our review of, Oprah Love Expert, Michael Webb’s excellent book 500 Love Making Tips & Secrets.

I’m sure you’ll be as excited as we were when we started flipping through the pages. Michael Webb has one of the best collections of sex tips and lovemaking advice around.

Here are just a few of the tips you’ll discover in 500 Love making Tips & Secrets:

* An item in the frozen food section that will send shivers up and down your mates body in a very surprising way
* Something in your toiletry bag which doubles as an amazing lovemaking toy
* 2 novel ways to use mirrors in lovemaking that you probably never heard of
* Several natural ways to add length to your penis (two you can even test out tonight)
* the one month a guy’s testosterone peaks
* A great way to invigorate someone who is too tired for sex
* What colored light bulbs will intensify orgasms

* How to get firmer erections and prevent premature ejaculation without medicines
* The two things done in combination that will blow his mind
* A sexy lubrication tip that will have him, well, enough said
* What food and drink you should avoid the 24 hours before lovemaking tips to avoid unpleasant odors
* Food items to consume so your juices are sweeter (some might surprise you)
* One simple trick to make your wife scream in delight like never before
* Which smells can instantly increase penile blood flow by up to 40%
* Where and how to touch your guy when he is about to orgasm that will have him explode like a firecracker (even he probably doesn’t know this trick)
* Ways to use your mouth on her that will drive her absolutely wild
* Something to do with your hands when you are entering her that will excite her even more

Read all the amazing 500 lovemaking tips - click here

Lovemaking tips this Valentine's Day

Single this Valentine’s Day? So what!

Ladies, we say just ignore all of the flower and jewelry commercials - or better yet - send yourself some flowers or go buy that really cool necklace that you’ve had your eye on.

Guys, take a deep breath because you’re off the hook this year!

If you’re not excited about flying solo or if you’re wondering what on earth to do with yourself this Valentine’s Day while all of your couple friends are out on romantic dates… We’ve found just the solution you’re looking for.

Here’s a great article from Deanna Frazier, the "Dating Diva", with terrific ways that you can survive being single this Valentine’s Day.

"Going Solo on Valentine’s Day - Advice for Singles"

The stores are decorated in candy hearts, flowers and bears. Every TV or radio commercial reminds you that it’s time to remember your sweetheart on this special day for lovers.

Your feelings range from sadness to anger. What’s a single person to do?

The following suggestions are designed to both answer that question and to help you have a good day after all, while working to make this your last solo Valentine’s Day!

Celebrate the day by planning an activity that is enjoyable to you and provides you with a special treat.

* Go to a day spa for "the works"
* Plan an intimate dinner for 3 or 4
* Go ice-skating or to the movies with a fun friend
* Go out to dinner and a movie with a group of other singles
* Focus on what you enjoy and make a conscious decision about how to mark the day
* Un-Valentine’s Day parties are very popular

Design a relationship-building plan. Let the holiday provide you with the motivation to take risks, try new ideas and gain the knowledge that will enable you to find and create a lasting, intimate relationship.

* Sit down at the computer or with pen and paper in hand and get your plan written down.
* Begin by making a list of resources that can be used to help you meet available singles.
* These can include: on-line dating sites, singles groups, volunteer activities, or participation in sports or
* Other activities that you enjoy. Decide when and how often you will participate in any activity you choose.
* Make a budget for both time and available funds for this purpose.
* Do your homework and research each resource so the information will be available when you need it.

Review those intentions and resolutions you made, or make some if you haven’t yet, and be sure you are implementing and sticking to those that will ensure that you are really ready for that special relationship. Being the kind of person you want to be with is the first step. "Become the Date or the Mate You Want to Have." Taking care of yourself and living well will optimize your chances for relationship success.

Start today. Work to eliminate negative thinking. Think of all the possibilities that could open up for you. Hopefully these tips will assist you in having a better "solo" Valentine’s Day than you might have been headed for. Enjoy the day by doing something fun. Then focus on your relationship plan and empower yourself to build the healthy, lasting relationship of your dreams.

Read all the amazing 500 lovemaking tips - click here

Romantic Lovemaking Tips

More often than not, the first kiss is the clincher for couples; it is the one that helps them make up their mind on whether they wish to kiss the opposite person again. Here are seven great kissing tips to help young men make their first kiss a memorable one and then build upon that success.

1. Make it Romantic Lovemaking Tips
Women prefer the charms of a seductive and romantic kiss that takes place in seclusion rather than a quick one in a situation that may lead to embarrassment. The kiss need not always start with a lip-lock. Small kisses on the eyelids, nose, and cheeks can set the mood for a sweet French kiss.

2. Keep the Momentum
This can mean a lot of things, all of them guaranteed to heighten the kissing experience. Either partner can be the tease and break away from a kiss just that bit early leaving the other one asking for more.

3. Lovemaking Tips to Caress Her
Women often like to be caressed while kissing. You can start by caressing her hair from her forehead to her neck behind her ear and then gently feel her back. Alternate between using the full face of the palm and your fingertips.

4. Use your Tongue
Learn to use your tongue skillfully while kissing. Circling the tip of your partner’s tongue with your tongue lightly takes both partners further down the road to intimacy. Flick your tongue over hers; surprise her with your dexterity with your tongue. Sucking your partner’s tongue while kissing is considered incredibly erotic by some (But be careful! Some women don’t like it).

5. Lovemaking Tips to Experiment with
There are several ways in which couples can add spice to their kissing experiences. Peppermint and chocolates add flavor to a kiss; partners can try to pass a small ice cube between their mouths while kissing; the roof of your partner’s mouth is highly sensitive and feeling it lightly with the tip of your tongue is bound to offer a pleasant surprise to your partner.

6. Ask your Partner
The most important aspect of any intimate experience is the comfort level with your partner and kissing is no different. Ask your partner about what constitutes her dream kiss, learn about what she likes in a kiss and try to give it to her in your personalized way.

7. Hygiene
The importance of oral hygiene cannot be overstated. For all your kissing skills, it is critical that your breath is clean. This assumes greater significance if you plan to get romantic with your partner after eating. It is best to have a breath freshener at hand for such occasions.

When Men and Women enter into a relationship, what they are really looking for is a best friend, some one they know will love us no matter what.

Research shows that people who put each other down and are hostile to each other are more likely to have serious problems.

We all have a comfort level and it's usually measured by how we live and what are interests are. Our comfort level gives us a sense of protection. We tend to lose ourselves and interest on what really matters..(sharing our love!)

We don't want to try new things, if i ain't broke why fix it, that is what we believe when we are at that comfort zone. It seems as though we are living in a box, we need to step out.. We tend to settle for the "status quo" that would be our existing condition.

For the feeling of being afraid of stepping out... What if We tend to feel vulnerable and insecure our sense of protection has been broken our love has diminished..
Stepping out of the comfort zone could and should have a positive effect in your intimate love romantic relationship moments with your partners. Yes you can have it all!! It helps us grow and we learn from these intimate experiences. We discover new ways to share love and enjoy happiness together which is the best thing in the world!

Start right now! Enhance romance... Follow a few lovemaking tips and soon you will see things in a new light..

Read all the amazing 500 lovemaking tips - click here

Best Lovemaking Position III

The Best Position for Lovemaking
Enjoy the Enjoyable

If you don't find the missionary position satisfying, you may need to fine-tune it. One or two hard pillows under your hips, tipping your pelvis up for deeper penetration, can make all the difference. Your husband can ride high or low, leaning back to watch or forward to whisper and kiss. You can straighten your legs to create more tension or spread them wide or, if you're fit, wrap them around his waist or put one or both over his shoulders. He can hold your arms above your head or, still with your arms above your head, you can grip the headboard and thrust back at him. (Who said the missionary position had to be submissive?) He can lean to one side so you can caress each other's genitals.

To guarantee even deeper penetration with the missionary position, New York psychiatrist Avodah Offit, M.D., author of The Sexual Self, suggests a slight variation: "Pull your knees up to your chest, then spread them just wide enough for your husband to get between them. With your calves on either side of his back, support his weight on the backs of your thighs. If you want to move you can rock back and forth with him."

The advantage of this lovemaking position, says Dr. Offit, "is that you don't have to be particularly supple. Taking his weight in this way also gives you some control, and orgasm is easier because penetration is deeper than if your legs are straight or out to the sides." But, she cautions, "you do have to be shaped for it." Some couples just aren't built to fit for this. "There's no one prescription."You're most likely to get maximum benefit from the missionary position if you start practicing those old Kegels again. "Kegel exercises alone can aid orgasm," says Dr. Offit. "Or you can bear down, pressing your vaginal lips and clitoris toward the man's body." Even better, she suggests, is doing the two movements together, which tightens the whole of the vagina.

Read all the amazing 500 lovemaking tips - click here

Best Lovemaking Position II

Love Making Position
A Girl's Best Friend

Of all positions, this is the most aesthetic. You don't have to be self-conscious about your body because most of it is covered by your husband's. And, for women anyway, there's no performance anxiety. This is a position for making love everyone knows how to do. Lying on your back with nothing on your mind other than, say, how that stain got on the ceiling, you're in the ideal position to unwind and enjoy yourself. As my friend Angela remarks, "I find it easier to have an orgasm in that sexual position, because I'm more relaxed. With the others I'm constantly thinking about what I should be doing." It's the perfect position for the coy, the shy or the just plain lazy. "I can concentrate on me," says another friend, Cindy.

Think of it this way: Do you look better leaning over your husband with your stretch marks glistening and everything drooping and jiggling - or reclining with your face turned up, lips parted expectantly and your hair arranged over a bank of snowy white pillows? The missionary position is feminine; it's alluring. And don't try telling me that it's not erotic. Arch your back, give your husband your best "Come get me" look and just watch that man move.

Some women, however, are put off by the position's simplicity. If just anyone can do it, they don't want to. And its name doesn't do it any favors either, as it was reportedly introduced by missionaries to inhabitants of the old European empires as a "respectable" position - a history unlikely to make you paralyzed with lust.

No other lovemaking position makes you feel so loving, affectionate and close to your partner. Face-to-face you can kiss and explore each other. You can watch the expressions on his face - an erotic experience in itself - and your hands are free to caress or grip him tight. The missionary position is also the most comforting to finish in - you're cuddling already, for heaven's sake.

"It's boring," says Lora, who clearly never wrestled with some of the missionary's variations. "Sideways-facing positions or being on top gives him better access to all my important parts."

"Being on top makes me feel aggressive, which is erotic," says Rachel. And some women, says Shirley Zussman, Ed.D., a New York sex and marital therapist, may feel pinned down in the missionary. "They're not as free to move around as they are in other love making positions."

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Best Lovemaking Position I

Lovemaking Position

Stimulating G-Spot

This lovemaking tip for position is relaxed, easy and - if you get it right - it can also be the most satisfying.

Let me say here and now, without shame or blush, that I like the missionary position. Lovemaking while lying on your back with your husband on top is familiar, comfortable. It's the meat loaf and mashed potatoes of the sex manual. If you're hungry, it fills you up; if you're tired, you can still manage a morsel. Beluga caviar it ain't, but like a Quarter Pounder with cheese, you know how it's going to look, how it's going to taste and how long it will take to eat. And if you want to make it fancy, you can always add fries and a salad.

Overnight, lying on your back was OUT. If you wanted to be cool and empowered, you had to get out from under and take control, or throw away your chances of the Big O forever. But are we having more or better orgasms with the wealth of lovemaking positions we've cricked our necks and twisted our limbs to get into? Has our athleticism and improvisation improved the quality of our lovemaking? A reconsideration...

At one time the missionary position was sex. As a kid, if I read about sex or glimpsed a love scene on TV before my parents switched channels, that was the position the couple was in -- the man on top, the woman gazing up at him adoringly. But then came the '70s. The hemlines went down and women went up. Indeed, woman-on-top was virtually compulsory, and anyone who didn't have a sexual repertoire to rival the Kama Sutra had to hang her head in shame. Feminists and sex experts united in the view that the missionary position made a woman passive and subservient to her man. And no wonder we didn't always climax - in that position the clitoris probably wasn't stimulated, and neither was the G-spot!

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Lovemaking Positions to get pregnant

Lovemaking Positions when you want a child

There are a number of things that you can do to increase your chances of conception.

Best Positions to get pregnant

The man-on-top position works well when trying to conceive. Place a small pillow under your hips following intercourse so that your cervix basically rests in the pool of semen for a short time (perhaps 20 minutes or so). This will allow the sperm time to easily swim up through the cervix. (Important Note: Do not use a large pillow, or you may sabotage your efforts, since the sperm may then puddle behind your cervix. Not a good place to be when trying to reach that egg.)

If you have a tipped uterus, you may have better luck having intercourse from behind (hands and knees position). By having intercourse in this position it allows the sperm better access to the cervix.

Positions to Avoid (lovemaking positions wich reduce chance of getting pregnant)

For most women it makes sense to avoid straddling their partner while making love - woman-on-top, sitting or standing - since this can cause the semen to leak and may result in fewer sperm making their way to the egg.

Read all the amazing 500 lovemaking tips - click here

Leaked Chapter from 500 Lovemaking Tips & Secrets

Here are just a few of the tips you will enjoy in

500 Lovemaking Tips & Secrets:

* An item in the frozen food section that will send shivers up and down your mates body in a very surprising way

* Something in your toiletry bag which doubles as an amazing lovemaking toy

* 2 novel ways to use mirrors in lovemaking that you probably never heard of

* Something in your children's toy chest that can liven up the act

* Find out what month is a guy's testosterone peak

* A great way to invigorate someone who is too tired for sex

* What colored light bulbs will intensify orgasms

* How to get firmer erections and prevent premature ejaculation without medicines

* The two things done in combination that will blow his mind

* A sexy lubrication tip that will have him begging for it each time

* What food and drink you should avoid the 24 hours before making love to avoid unpleasant odors

* One simple trick to make your wife scream in delight like never before

* Which smells can instantly increase penile blood flow by up to 40%

* Where and how to touch your guy when he is about to orgasm that will have him shoot off like a firecracker (even he probably doesn't know this trick)

* Ways to use your mouth on her that will drive her absolutely wild

* Something to do with your hands when you are entering her that will excite her even more

Read all the amazing 500 lovemaking tips - click here

A Precaution to ALL Men

She says, "Don't wear a condom today, I want to feel you inside me. It feels a lot better without the condom."

You respond, "Aren't you worried that you might get pregnant?"

"No, it's okay, I've been on the Pill for a while."

"Oh, in that case, I'm all up for that!"

This is probably the kind of conversation you'd like to have with your lover. But watch out, what you don't know could harm you. I'm not talking about the dangers of sexually transmitted diseases, you should already know about these. I'm talking about your lover's secret agenda.
the female animal
"...she is a hunter and a gatherer...for the perfect man."

This phrase probably excites you right? It shouldn't. In fact, it should send shivers down your spine. What am I talking about? I'm talking about the crazy things that some women do, to keep their men trapped in a relationship.

We all know that with women desperate times call for desperate measures. Especially in a competitive world, where the supply of really good men is scarce. How low is the supply of perfect men? So low that some women will resort to the following, in order to get the perfect man:

1. Steal their best friend's lover away.
2. Try to seduce a married man.
3. Keep him away from the influence of his buddies.
4. Keep him chained up in the basement of her house.
5. Try to convert a gay man back to being heterosexual.
6. Her last resort...the secret agenda.

Women are always on the lookout for men, but not just any ordinary man, the mythical perfect man. Once they've found that godly figure, they'll do anything to keep him, and never let him go.
her secret agenda
How can she do this? With her last resort, the red alarm nuclear button ; get pregnant. Now you're probably laughing, but it happens more often than you think. In fact, this article is inspired by what happened to a buddy of mine.

To make a long story short, my friend was dating a woman for a few months. According to him, she wasn't marriage material, but the sex was good, so he decided to stay with her until he found better (yes, I know its not a very nice thing to do). When she realized that they were not going to last very long, she suggested that she go on the Pill. My friend, being a trusting person, had no objectives.

Her secret motive was to keep him forever by having his child. So as you probably guessed, she forgot to take the pill. Side note, in order for birth control pills to be effective, they must be taken daily, no exception. Two months later she announced the news to my friend; she was pregnant. Guess what? She wasn't surprised at all. Hmm, I wonder why?

The result was that my friend lost the bright future that lay ahead of him. He took responsibility, and decided to marry her (hear the cellar door closing?). One year later, they're separated. The person that will suffer the most in this horrible messtheir adorable child.
your secret agenda
When men search for women to date, they also look for that perfect person. When men meet women, the women are usually classified into the marriage type , or the casual type . This decision is usually based on how easy it was to get her into bed. If she's the marriage type , than good for him. He'll be making love to someone special. If she's the casual type , he'll have sex with her until someone better comes along.

My advice to you here is to always use protection when having sex with the casual type. You cannot trust her word on such an important matter. Remember, it's your life too. Do you want to spend the rest of your life with someone you don't love?

If you are with that special marriage type , you take a chance, and trust that she is taking the Pill on a daily basis. If she gets pregnant, at least you'll be with someone you truly care for. Whatever the case may be, it is important that you know that a child is never to blame for the mistakes that consenting adults make.

So the next time you hear, don't use a condom, I'm on the Pill , remember the chance that you're taking with her possible secret agenda.

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30 Love making tips from women

  1. Share your deepest fantasies with each other.
  2. Kiss with your eyes open..
  3. Extend your foreplay time... considerably.
  4. Play truth or dare but keep your questions steered towards the topic at hand.
  5. Make love by only candlelight.
  6. Try ice...
  7. Spend $100 on lingerie.
  8. Take a bath or shower together.
  9. Write a sensual love story about you and your partner. Leave it for them to read.
  10. Use whipped cream...
  11. Stay the night at a hotel with a hot tub.
  12. Make it a point to touch every inch of your lover's body.
  13. Learn more about aphrodisiacs.
  14. Give your love a sensual massage.
  15. Buy a few love making technique books and read them together.
  16. Compliment your love on how they look and while making love.
  17. Do a strip dance for them.
  18. Spend a day teasing your partner.
  19. Make love somewhere other than your home.
  20. Experiment with different types of kisses.
  21. When your love comes home, take control and make love to them right there.
  22. Share a bottle of champagne while laying on blanket in your backyard looking at the stars.
  23. Wash your partner.
  24. Leave hidden sensually, teasing notes where they will find them.
  25. Experiment with food during foreplay.
  26. Kiss every part of their body.
  27. Christen each room by making love in a new room every night.
  28. Try one new thing in the bedroom a week.
  29. Pick up your lover wearing only a trench coat.
  30. Fix your hair, makeup, etc. Go to bed with only a pair of high heels on.

Read all the amazing 500 lovemaking tips - click here

Lovemaking Tips for Gay and Hetero Sex

GREAT LOVE MAKING POSITIONS: Over the centuries various sexual positions (ways in which couples physically position themselves for sexual intercourse) have been used. In ancient texts it reveals that it was an art form among certain cultures, as in the Indian Kama Sutra and Arabic Perfumed Garden.

There are many lovenaking positions which are mostly variations on a few basic positions. As with any other desire you have to find the positions that are most enjoyable to you and your partner. Everybody's needs are different. Some couples are very innovative, some prefer the standard missionary position (man-on-top). The aim of lovemaking, however, should be measured by fulfillment and satisfaction for both partners.

The sexual positions a couple uses depends on a variety of factors:

* physical comfort
* inhibitions about experimenting with different positions
* prolonging or hastening orgasm may determine the position
* circumstances, such as time available, location, etc.)
* may find one position more satisfying

Different Sex Positions (with pictures)

Positions for pregnancy

Homosexual Sex Positions

Some Sexual Positions are:

* Man-on-top (missionary position)
* Woman-on-top
* Side-by-side
* Rear-entry
* Spread-eagle
* Leapfrog Position
* Cross Position
* Cuissade Position
* Armchair Position
* Furniture Position
* Head to toe
* Lap Dance
* Split level Position
* Spoon Position
* Standing Position
* Standing and Carrying Position
* Swimming Position
* Spontaneous Position
* Anal intercourse (practiced by some heterosexual couples and some gay men)

Read all the amazing 500 lovemaking tips - click here

500 Lovemaking Tips from Michael Webb

500 Lovemaking Tips & Secrets

In addition to the hundreds of ideas, 500 Lovemaking Tips & Secrets also includes a section of the 10 Most Common Lovemaking Positions (and 6 more for the adventurous and athletic) along with explanations of the benefits of each one, and a Lubrication Guide that gives you the pros and cons of those on the market.

There are many tips and creative suggestions on performing the most incredible oral sex that will drive your partner absolutely insane. I'll share special places and ways to touch, tickle, stroke and lick that most people never, ever think of. You will discover which moves and positions are the best for the opposite sex. Find out which ones allow for the deepest penetration and which ones are fantastic for g-spot and clitoral stimulation.

Yes, there will be tips and suggestions if you will be making love for the very first time. Likewise, you will find discover amazing new techniques even if you are the most seasoned lover.

You can learn more by reading this material than it takes most people dozens of years (and often dozens of partners) to learn. You can read it in the privacy of your own home or office. Best of all, 500 Lovemaking Tips & Secrets was written by a relationship expert who knows that just because it feels good or is exciting doesn't means it is good for you. It is advice you can trust completely.

"For this past year my wife has been telling me she isn't really interested in sex any more. I took your advice on some of the romantic ideas and then did a few of the tips you shared and now she's been initiating sex every night this week. After we tried one of your positions she's been wanting to try all of them. Thanks. You saved my marriage."

- Britt R, Columbus OH

Here are just a few of the juicy tips you will enjoy in 500 Lovemaking Tips & Secrets:

An item in the frozen food section that will send shivers up and down your mates body in a very surprising way

Something in your toiletry bag which doubles as an amazing lovemaking toy

2 novel ways to use mirrors in lovemaking that you probably never heard of

Find out what month is a guy's testosterone peak

A sexy lubrication tip that will have him begging for it each time

A great way to invigorate someone who is too tired for sex

How to get firmer erections and prevent premature ejaculation without medicines

The two things done in combination that will blow his mind

What colored light bulbs will intensify orgasms

One simple trick to make your wife scream in delight like never before

What food and drink you should avoid the 24 hours before making love to avoid unpleasant odors

Where and how to touch your guy when he is about to orgasm that will have him explode like a firecracker (even he probably doesn't know this trick)

Which smells can instantly increase penile blood flow by up to 40%

Ways to use your mouth on her that will drive her absolutely wild

Something to do with your hands when you are entering her that will excite her even more

Read all the amazing 500 lovemaking tips - click here

Passionate Love Making Tips

Passionate lovemaking may seem like a far off memory that only occurred for some when they were young teenagers full of unfulfilled sexual energy. Now, you’ve grown up. You’ve started a family and a career. You have other obligations to take care of. Your life may seem great until you realize that you can no longer have passionate love with your partner anymore. Here is some common passionate lovemaking tips that almost any couple can use.

Lovemaking Tip 1: Surprise your significant other. If your wife is cooking breakfast one morning, come up behind her and slowly begin nibbling her earlobe. This sudden, unexpected affection can make your loving making experience as wonderful as ever. Women can do this too. If your husband is watching a sports event on TV, sit down beside him and begin rubbing his thigh slowly. He will quickly forget that it is second and three to go, and will turn his attention towards you.

Lovemaking Tip 2: Set the mood. Lighting scented candles around your bedroom can be a very easy way of setting the mood. Also, put on some passionate love music. Make a mix CD with you and your lovers favorite love tracks and play it on a loop. You don’t want to interrupt what you’re doing to go and change the disk. Bring in a bottle of champagne with two slim glasses. You can also bring fruit into the bedroom to help arouse partners. Apples and bananas typically don’t work. Try a bowl of cherries or chocolate covered strawberries. If you don’t have fruit on hand, try just plain chocolate, nature’s aphrodisiac.

Lovemaking Tip 3: Appreciate each other. You cannot have passionate sex with anyone that you cannot stand the sight of. Compliment your partner on a daily basis for little things. Men should tell women that they like their new hairstyle or pair of shoes. Women should tell men that they look good or that they have lost a few pounds off that fat tire. After all, who would want to sleep with someone if they are not sure if their partner is attracted to them?

Lovemaking Tip 4: Know when to have sex. As stated earlier, unexpected sex can be great but how do you jazz up guaranteed sex? Birthdays, anniversaries, promotions, or even make up sex after a fight can be great love making experience. Some people decide to put of that set of intercourse for another day because of many reasons. Do not do that. If it’s your birthday, have sex that day. Don’t put it off. In fact, putting off a love making session only puts off pleasure.

Passionate lovemaking can be achieved in these four easy steps. If these tips do not help you have more passionate love making, try something of your own. Don’t be afraid to ask around to family, friends and neighbors. They can be more helpful than you would think.

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Lovemaking Tips for Newly Married Women

8 Lovemaking Tips
(in addition to 500 found in the great book!)

Over time, something happens to us – women, that is. It happens so slowly that we don’t recognize it until long after we’ve fallen victim to the trap. With marriage, busy lives full of children, obligations, priorities and other activities soon follow.
With all of these other activities, it’s difficult to find a place for lovemaking tips. Too often, married woman view it as something they participate in to keep their husbands happy or “just another chore”. Ladies, it’s time to break with tradition and start making love for the pure joy of it and not out of obligation. Here are some simple steps to breaking with the female perspective on lovemaking and joining the millions of men who can’t be wrong!


Men have an amazing ability to completely abandon all other thoughts and focus entirely on the act at hand, whether it is football or lovemaking. On the other hand, women are masters of multi-tasking, frequently lying there thinking about the laundry sitting in the dryer getting wrinkled, the check they need to write before school tomorrow to cover the kids' lunch accounts, and numerous other random thoughts that are necessary to keep a family running smoothly. Your bed is not the place to multitask. Men have an innate ability to be in the now. The next time you are having making love, instead of thinking about last night's PTA meeting or tomorrow’s Bunco game, narrow your focus (just for now) on the part of your body that your partner is focusing on. You'll find your pleasure will double immediately.


A man gets turned on by pleasuring you. A man gets turned on by watching you. Have you ever considered that if the roles were reversed, the same principle would be true? Have you ever considered that pleasuring your man can turn you on, too? Open your eyes during the act and you can bet that whatever you give will be returned – with interest.


Even when you're having one of those self-proclaimed "fat days", your partner hasn't noticed. Your vagina does not get fat just because you might be retaining a little bit of water around your midsection. Your lover doesn't care that you are retaining water or that you ate that extra slice of pizza. When a woman feels sexy, she is apt to experience more enjoyment during lovemaking.


A man never begins the journey into sex without following it through all the way to completion (whether you are still awake or not). Persistence, persistence, persistence. Women would be wise to follow this advice. You have permission to have an orgasm each and every time (with or without the help of batteries). Climaxing is every man and woman's right. Men know this and you should, too.


As boys, men grew up knowing that it was okay to splash in the rain puddle and make mud pies. As adults, that often translates to the bedroom. It's not just about being kinky, I'm talking about something much more mundane. Soon after moving in with my husband, I noticed he always wanted to do it the day I changed the sheets. One woman I know explained this as a man's way of marking his territory. I’ve never figured out if it’s the smell of the fabric softener or his animal instinct, but I can bet on a great night of lovemaking just by changing the sheets.


Don't make your husband be the one to come over to your side of the bed all of the time. There’s a lot going on over on his side. Take a trip over there. Men can be incredibly turned on not only by a woman who initiates the act, but one who takes the lead throughout.


You have permission to tell your man what you want in the bedroom (and I'm not talking about paint color, here). You simply cannot expect a man to know where and how to touch you. First of all, he's never had the parts that you have. Secondly, our bodies change, particularly after having children. Things that worked last year, may not work today. Thinks that worked yesterday, may not work today. Much as you would like him to be, your man is not a mind-reader. Tell him what you want. Tell him what you turns you on. If you don't know what that is, tell him and let him explore. You'll both enjoy that safari!


With a bedroom door that is securely locked, visitors with little feet (whether of the human or animal form) can't walk in unexpectedly even if they hear unfamiliar noises. And, you'll be able to relax knowing you won't be interrupted at the most inopportune time.

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How To Have Good Sex - Try 500 Different Lovemaking Positions

Let us start by defining what you want. What is "good sex" anyway? Is it a state of mind, an act, or a combination of the two? Undoubtedly the answer lies within each individual. You see, good sex is however you perceive it to be. It could be an all night passionate encounter with various sex positions or it could be a quick intimate session to satisfy the urges of you and your partner. Perhaps it may just be acts of foreplay such as oral sex or kissing. Whatever the case may be, it's really up to each person and what type of mood you're in that dictates how to have good sex.

Certainly good sex is hard to achieve without sexual arousal. Physical attractiveness to the male or female is a vital component in having good sex. How you feel about your partner's personality, looks, attitude, as well as scent and voice tone; factor in as key aspects to a good sexual encounter. Generally the best way to achieve good sex is through practice. The more times you experience the act, the more times you enhance the chemistry, and the more times you perfect the techniques; will greatly improve your sense of relaxation and enhanced sexual experience. You will understand how to have good sex whenever you so desire!

So now that you know in your mind how to give good sex, let's focus on several different 500 lovemaking positions you can try.

Love making tip Position 1 - Do it "doggie style"

This position is quite common but effective and enjoyable. From behind, the penetrating partner penetrates the receiving partner, who's crouched on all fours with legs slightly spread. Benefits to this method include an unobstructed view to the partner's body from the rear while leaving the arms and hands free to allow more stimulation to the receiving partner. For some women, it also provides the best stimulation for the G Spot. A drawback to some is the difficulty to maintain eye contact or kissing.

Love making tip Position 2 - The "cowboy or cowgirl"

During this exciting position the penetrating partner lies down on their back, while the receiving partner kneels on top facing each other. The receiving partner, the woman (for the purposes of this article), controls most of the act including the depth, intensity, and angle of penetration. A big benefit is both partners can look directly at one another, and in particular the man can view and caress the woman's breasts while in this more natural position. Also, the man can enjoy receiving pleasure while relaxing and can often delay his orgasm longer.

These are just two of the many different love making tips which are helpful in teaching you how to have good sex with your partner. Remember practice makes perfect and I'm sure you will find out what it means in your own mind when defining "good sex".

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Lovemaking tips and secrets to fire a woman

Use these lovemaking tips on your woman and you'll have her swooning with desire.

1. Foreplay & Aferplay

Pay extra attention to this very important lovemaking tip
There is nothing that is a bigger turn off for a woman than a lover who immediately begins penetration without tending to her body and mind. Just as important as foreplay is the period of time immediately following the sex, afterplay. Afterplay reinforces how a woman feels about the sexual experience and will have a great impact on how she responds to her lover in the future.

2. Emotional Connection
For women, sex is usually an emotional act as well as a physical act. The deeper the emotional connection, the better the sex will be for her and the deeper her desire for her lover will become. Share your feelings with your woman and express how you feel about her freely. For her, what goes on outside the bedroom is an important factor of what will occur in the bedroom.

3. Listen
Women are more attracted to a man who listens to her and actually hears her. Being heard makes her feel important and valued, thereby increasing her feelings of intimacy with her lover and encouraging her to be free and uninhibited in her lovemaking. Her level of satisfaction is enhanced and her desire for her lover increased.

4. Touch
Females are very tactile beings. They love to be touched and caressed. Hold her, massage her, tease and tantalize her playfully with your fingers. Don’t go straight to the genitals, pay attention to her whole body.

5. Make Her Feel Important,
They need to feel important to their lover. Take an active interest in who she is as a person and what goes on in her life. Ignite your woman’s passion by making her feel special, cherished and adored.

6. Value and Respect
For sex to be at its best, most women need to feel valued and respected by their lover. Her desire and level of satisfaction will grow deeper. She will want her lover more frequently and be more motivated to meet his sexual needs as well.

7. Emotional Connection
For women, sex is usually an emotional act as well as a physical act. The deeper the emotional connection, the better the sex will be for her and the deeper her desire for her lover will become. Share your feelings with your woman and express how you feel about her freely. For her, what goes on outside the bedroom is an important factor of what will occur in the bedroom.

8. Be a Master of Oral
The majority of women cannot achieve orgasm through intercourse. Taking pleasure in delighting your woman orally is by far one of the most enjoyable ways for her to be satisfied.

9. Take Your Time

Another very important lovemaking tip
The path to orgasm is just as fulfilling as the orgasm itself and the path is also important for enhancing her orgasmic experience. Take the long meandering road, savoring, pampering and adoring every part of her body along the way.

10. Show Her Your Passion & Desire
A woman wants to be wanted passionately. She wants to see your deep desire for her and feel how much you want her. Pursue her passionately and she will be a wild cat full of desire.

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Better Sex – 8 Essential Lovemaking Tips For Great Sex!

Here we are going to give you some lovemaking tips for better sex.

These love making tips are guaranteed to enhance your sex life and lead to great sex, for both you and your partner.

Let’s take a look at how to achieve better sex and enjoy great sex, with some simple tips anyone can do.

1. Breathing

Correct breathing can greatly enhance your sex life and lead to better sex and its easy to learn how to breathe deeply – It will relax you and increase sexual satisfaction.

A simple love making tip is : ! During intercourse learn to synchronise your breathing with your partners. This is a great way of feeling a total connection and union with your partner.

When you do it, it can lead to fantastic, mind blowing orgasms.

2. The art of foreplay

You should always have plenty of foreplay before sexual intercourse and it provides the following:

- It will relax both you and your partner.

- It's fun.

- It will make orgasm more satisfying when you are “warmed up” for sexual union and intercourse.

It’s a known fact that most women find foreplay essential for orgasm and it also applies to men as well.

3. Target the less obvious erogenous zones

We all know the obvious ones, but there are many others you can explore and you should do so.

Consider these as examples:

The neck, this is one of the most significant erogenous zones for women and a kiss, lick or nibble on the neck, is one of the best ways to turn a women on and men love it to.

Other great erogenous zones are the hair and scalp – Stroking, tugging or running your hands over the scalp, is extremely erotic for both men and women.

Finally, don’t forget kissing!

In a recent poll 90% of both men and women wanted more kissing from their partner.

It’s not just for teenagers! We communicate with our mouths and a passionate kiss is one of the best ways to show love and affection for both men and women.

4. Learn the art of massage

If you want to enjoy better sex then you need to learn the art of massage and its not difficult.

All you need are some sensual oils and massage the shoulders, back and base of the spine.

There are many oil that are sensuous, relaxing and it’s a proven fact we enjoy sex more when we are relaxed.

We then can concentrate on just sex and free our minds and massage with oils helps achieve this.

5. Communication

We all have things we like and don’t like about sex, just as we do in all aspects of life.

So what love making tip?

Well, unless you communicate with your partner and vice versa, you will never reach sexual harmony.

Speak frankly and openly, don’t make judgements on what your partner may want and tell her not to in reverse.

Your adults and adults should be able to talk freely about sex and not be judged.

If you communicate you will know what your partner wants and what you want and enjoy better sex.

6. Talk

Talk during sex! Sex is communication.

Let your partner know how much you want them and how much you are enjoying yourself.

We all like appreciation for our efforts and sex is no exception, if we feel we are pleasing our partners it turns us on even more.

7. Variety & Surprise

If sex is the same every time then it becomes boring, so add variety to your sex life.

There is plenty to learn and practice (and practice can be fun) we all love surprises and sex is no exception.

8. Whatever you do remember …

To do it with passion and desire. Show your partner you want them and they will love you for it.

Sex will not always be perfect but thats not the point!

You may come early, you may not orgasm at all, but do you know what?

Your partner will be understanding, if they know you desire, want and love them.

As my mother once said “if you don’t do it with a good heart don’t do it at all” (she wasn’t referring to sex but its true!) - Show passion, love and desire, follow the tips above and not only will you enjoy better sex – You will enjoy great sex.

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